An in-house wine cellar is the perfect addition to any wine collector’s home. Trade Mark Design & Build is skilled in constructing wine cellars. For this particular project, we built a climate controlled wine cellar with storage for over 1,000 bottles. We used a walnut wood with a clear finish.
The wine cellar also features LED lighting, which accents what is important, without heating up the room like traditional lighting. The coffer ceiling adds some drama to the room and allows for a larger light fixture. We incorporated a mix of storage types that adds interest to the space. In addition, there are open areas to crack open a few nice vintages!
The purpose of a wine cellar is to control temperature, humidity, and light. With that being said, we utilized a Whisperkool cooling unit that provides a steady 58 degrees. The exterior doors and windows also feature a double insulated glass that is filled with argon gas to keep the cool air in.